The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Just before Christmas, Zanzana has received some nice Christmas gifts: one of them was The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Zanzana was delighted with it, and really hopes she can inspire anyone!

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

She got it from Francesca, a friend from Flora’s Table. This is a really professional blog, with the aim  to communicate and spread traditional Italian and American culinary traditions at their best. The authors are Francesca and Stefano, Italians living in the US, focused respectively on the Italian cooking and wines, and their friend Nicole,in charge with the American food traditions. Zanzana especially likes the motto of this blog: “Because We are Cooks, not Chefs!” She thinks it can give you the flavour of the posts you will read, especially in our time, where we can find self-appointed chefs at every corner…

The rules for this award are the following:

Display the award logo on your blog;

Link back to the person who nominated you;

State 7 things about yourself;

Nominate other bloggers for this award and link to them (Zanzana believes they should be 7 as well);

Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven things about myself

1. Zanzana feels the thirties will be her best lifetime;

2. Zanzana is a lazy but hungry writer;

3. Zanzana discovered much more things about herself in the last year than in her whole life;

4. Zanzana misses a life in the nature;

5. Zanzana struggles to conquer her everyday share of happyness;

6. Zanzana does not like to put things in order;

7. Zanzaza does not care a lot about the crisis.

Zanzana’s nominees are here below, with no particular order. This time, she has added also some Italian blogging friends to the list, hoping they will like it, even if she knows they are not too much into Awards issues 🙂

1. Jeanette of Global Grazers;

2. Violet of Violet Gallery;

3. Viivihoo of National Treasure;

4. Yliharma of Minimal Italy;

5. Elisabetta of The Spots Hunter;

6. Viaggioleggero di Viaggioleggero;

7. Unarosaverde of Unarosaverde.

Happy New Awards to everybody!

7 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Thank you so much for nominating us for this special award. It is such an honor coming from you Zanzana, because your beautiful blog has certainly inspired us (particularly your urban veggie garden:-)!

  2. Pingback: The Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Minimal...Italy

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